Dear people of the world, did you know that there are some surprises in politics in Japan right now? Well, the recent backroom money scandal shows that even politicians can sometimes become a laughing stock.
First of all, it was discovered that former LDP secretary-general Nikai had amassed a whopping ¥5 billion in slush funds! As you would expect from a politician, he is also a professional in handling money. Everyone is curious to know how he was going to use the ¥5 billion in slush funds. He declared that 35 million yen was spent on books. He must have spent a lot of time reading, without any time to sleep.
And the big-name members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party were also interested in making back taxes. Now, what did they spend the money on? New suits? Extravagant meals? In fact, some MPs were found to be eating and drinking at expensive restaurants and bars every night and recording it as a political activity expense.
It was also discovered that Prime Minister Kishida held a slush fund-making party immediately after taking office to get huge profits. Ordinary citizens would never have imagined that the first thing that happens when a prime minister takes office is a slush fund party to celebrate. The Japanese political world is really a black box. Even though the corruption among politicians is this bad, the investigation is over after arresting only one prominent minor figure. Japanese prosecutors are not functioning at all. That means that Japanese democracy is not functioning.
The reality in Japan is that these parliamentarians, who pursue only self-preservation and their own interests, are making laws to arrest people and lock them up in detention centres just for having a little marijuana. I do not want to follow the laws made by these people.
I will think about whether I should obey the laws they have made or not while having a smoke.