Cannabis-Study-house: Exploring the Legacy of Mr. Dow and Japan’s Cannabis Movement

In the realm of Japan’s cannabis advocacy, one name stands out as a trailblazer: Mr. Dow. His profound influence and tireless efforts in advancing the cause of cannabis legalization are vividly captured in the digital archive he left behind. The website “Cannabis-Study-house” ( serves as a testament to Mr. Dow’s dedication and passion for educating and advocating for the responsible use of cannabis.

He already published a booklet on cannabis called “Fancies Leaf” in letterpress in 1973. Left in the photo.

In writing this booklet, he contacted Dr. Mikuriya, a Japanese descent , doctor known for his clinical research on cannabis (photo on the right), via airmail to introduce the latest research findings to Japan. This was at a time when neither the internet nor international calls were accessible to the general public due to their high costs.

We’re embarking on new adventures, armed with the treasures left by our predecessors.